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Budget for PhD students

Depending on the yearly financial resources available for the PhD rogram, PhD students at the first year could receive a budget (actually not mandatorily due). In the case, the amount per person will be established by the PhD program Board, and students and related supervisors will be informed by the coordinator. This possible budget could be used for the same types of expenses than for the (mandatory) budget for the second and third year (see below).

Since the second year, each PhD student is recipient of a yearly budget of ca. 1500  €, for covering the costs of missions and consumables. For missions, see the specific point. For consumable, contact the coordinator. In both cases, at first ask your supervisor for information (rules and forms for PhD students are similar to those used by the other reseacrh personnel of the University).

Use of the budget for consumables: ask you supervisor/someone of your research group how to manage a RdA. The code of the project to be typed in the procedure is that you received from the PhD Coordinator

Use of the budget for missions: see the section of the Students Forum devoted to missions

Last update: 14/03/2023 12:02
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