- Enrica Marzani (XXXIX Cycle)
- EPHAR Bursary Award (June 2024), 9th European congress of Pharmacology, EPHAR 2024. Poster presentation: “CDK9 regulation as a novel pharmacologic approach in sepsis: the role of endothelium”.
- Bursary Award for the best poster (November 2024) on 42nd SIF National Congress “Science today for a better medicine tomorrow”, Poster presentation “Exploring CDK9 pharmacological potential in sepsis: implications for the endothelium”.
- Melissa De Angelis (XXXVII Cycle)
- Best "Flash Presentation award" in the 16th International Symposium on Cytochrome P450 biodiversity and biotechnology, 23-27 June 2024, Torino, Italy.
- Valeria Bincoletto (XXXVII Cycle)
- “CRS Italy Local Chapter Travel Grant” for CRS Annual Meeting (February 2024).
- Travel grant “PhD around the world” from UniTO (February 2023);
- Marta Pavarino (XXXVIII Cycle)
- Best Poster Presentation sponsored by Taylor and Francis and CRC Press at the 53rd edition of International Symposium of Essential Oils 2023 held in Milazzo, Italia 13-16 September 2023. “Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton essential oil as potential acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase inhibitor: A bio-guided fractionation approach”;
- Best Oral Presentation sponsored by Taylor and Francis and CRC Press at the 54th edition of International Symposium of Essential Oils 2024 held in Balatonalmádi, Hungary 8-11 September 2024. “Exploring the selective inhibitory activity of essential oils on the Alzheimer associated enzymes AChE and BChE: a comprehensive screening based on a bio-guided fractionation approach. Focus on Mentha sp. essential oils”;
- Best Poster Presentation sponsored by Taylor and Francis and CRC Press at the 54rd edition of International Symposium of Essential Oils 2024 held in Balatonalmádi, Hungary 8-11 September 2024. “Exploring the potential biological activities and chiral composition of Lippia origanoides Kunth essential oil: inhibition of enzymes linked to Alzheimer’s Disease and Type 2 Diabetes”.
- Simone Squara (XXXVI Cycle)
- Best Oral Presentation at the Gruppo Interdivisionale di Chimica degli Alimenti (GICA) della Società Chimica Italiana, XIII Congresso nazionale di chimica degli alimenti, May 2023, “Integrating volatilome, primary and specialized metabolome by data fusion techniques: A comprehensive evaluation of hazelnuts quality”.
- Gaia Bechis (XXXVII Cycle)
- Best Oral Presentation sponsored by Taylor and Francis and CRC Press at the 53rd International Symposium on Essential Oils (ISEO), held in Milazzo, Italia, 13-16 September 2023. “Fast chiral GC recognition of citrus essential oils evaluated with greenness metrics: is this analysis sustainable in industrial quality control?”;
- Best Poster Presentation at the 25th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech2023), held from July 18th to 21st, 2023, at Arona, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. “Harnessing the potential of natural compounds through DES-based DLLME to make greener fragrance analysis: a case study with high water content samples”.
- Giulia Mastellone (XXXVI Cycle)
- Best Oral Presentation at the 2nd European Sample Preparation e-Conference and the 1st Green and Sustainable Analytical Chemistry e-Conference, Online, 14-16 March 2022. “Development Of A Dispersive Solid-Liquid Microextraction Method Using Natural Eutectic Mixtures For A Greener Extraction Of Phytochemicals From Cannabis sp. Samples”;
- Best Poster Presentation, 52nd International Symposium on Essential Oils, Poland, 4-7 September 2022. “Essential oils’ components for the preparation of Natural Eutectic Solvents”;
- Best Poster Presentation at 1° Congresso intersocietà sui prodotti vegetali per la salute: Il ruolo delle piante medicinali nella medicina moderna, Padova, 15-17 June 2023. “Evaluating the effect of in vitro digestion on the total polyphenol content of Vitis vinifera L. by-products”.
- Gustavo Ferreira Alves (XXXV Cycle)
- Bursary Award on Summer School 2021 organized by the LEO Foundation Skin Immunology Research Center (SIC), University of Copenhagen, held in Hornbæk, Denmark, on 11-13 October 2021, Poster presentation: “Assessment of the cytotoxic impact of different glycation products in human keratinocyte”
- Ilaria Andreana (XXXIV Cycle)
- Travel Grant Award for Virtual CRS2021 from CRS Italy Local Chapter, on June 2021;
- Banco Cassini Junior 2021: finanziamento di manifestazioni scientifiche italo-francesi per l’organizzazione di una giornata studio in collaborazione con l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon1 on July 2021.
- Alessandro Giraudo (XXX Cycle) was awarded for his phd thesis by the Piedmont and Aosta Valley Section of the Italian Chemical Society (December 2019)
- Irene Maria Carnovale (XXXI Cycle) awarded at the Merck Young Chemist Symposium 2017
- Fausto Chiazza (XXVIII cycle) awarded by Farmindustria-SIF
- Federico Catalano (XXV cycle) paper on Small awarded with a frontispiece
- Yury Sakhno (PhD Student, XXIII cycle) on "Angewandte Chemie International Edition" as "hot paper"