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Advances in Pharmaceutical and Biomolecular Sciences @ UniTO

edition 2019

The PhD students of the XXXII cycles presents the results of their 3-year research projects

Time PhD student  Project title Sector
8.45-9.00   Opening remarks
9.00- 9.30 Stefano Acquadro Isolation and characterization of plant extracts of pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food interest by bioassay guided studies Health (pharma)/Food
9.30-10.00 Federica Bessone Design and development of novel nanoformulation-based delivery systems for the prevention and the treatment of challenging pathological conditions Health (pharma)
10.00-10.30 Davide Bonanni Computational strategies for structure-based lead optimization and analysis of SAR transfer Health (pharma)
10.30-11.00 Cristina Campobenedetto Identification of new products with biostimulant action and evaluation of their effects on plant growth and development by using genomic and metabolomic approaches Agri/Bio
11.00-11.20   coffee break  
11.10-11.40 Federico Capuana Design and testing of novel in vivo imaging probes for SPCCT and MRI Health (diagnostics)
11.50-12.20 Federica Galati Structural and functional characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Suf machinery Health (biochemistry)
12.20-12.50 Xinyu Ge Process development for the adsorption/desorption of pharmaceuticals and other organic pollutants from industrial wastewater Sustainability
12.50-13.20 Giorgio Grillo Design of non-conventional chemical processes for biomass valorization Sustainability
13.20-14.30   Lunch  
14.30-15.00 Monirul Islam Plant magnetoreception: ionomics and lipidomics of plant responses to reduced magnetic fields   Agri/Bio
15.00-15.30 Francesca La Cava Improving the diagnostic efficacy in pathological models with novel high relaxivity gadolinium chelates Health (diagnostics)
15.30-16.00 Maria Jesus Moran Plata Combining ultrasound and microwaves in chemical processes  Sustainbility
16.00-16.30 Stefano Nebbia Effect of thermal processing on food protein digestibility and allergenicity  Food
16.30-16.50   coffee break  
16.50-17.20 Marta Cialié Rosso Advanced analytical approaches for “omic” investigations of high quality food matrices of vegetable origin Food
17.20-17.50 Ana Luisa Soutelo Maria Ultrasound-assisted C=C bond activation   Sustainability
17.50-18.20 Ivano Vigliante Molecular and chemical fingerprinting of high oleic sunflower hybrids. A systems biology approach Food
18.20-18.30   Conclusion remarks
Last update: 31/01/2020 16:23
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